Natural Light Macro Photography

Shooting sunlit macro…

…poses a whole new set of challenges - especially for those of us who rely on flash for most of our outdoor macro work.


This is the final section of the Natural Light series. In the first video, we discussed the luminance of sunlight and came to grips with the workings of a camera’s sensor and dynamic range. In the second we looked at the color and directionality of natural light. In this video, we turn out attention to the special case of photographing tiny subjects using natural light.

The video is packed with practical tips and tricks for making the most of natural light in macro photography.

Before we get to the video, let me say a huge thank you to my Patreon supporters and to those kind folks who have made donations through my donation page ( None of this would be possible without your generosity!

If you would like to support my efforts and help keep the videos coming, please consider signing up as a Patreon patron, which can be done by going to I could certainly use your help!

And now, the video! Hope you enjoy it and find it helpful in your photography!