Macro Cage Adaptations - for high magnification focus stacking

Massive thanks to my Patreon supports, and a special welcome to Robert Storost, Bruce Malcolm, Steve Tanner, and Bill May, all of whom recently joined this merry band of money givers! Thank you!

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In this video I go over several new modifications to my macro lighting cage. To demonstrate the advantages of these adaptations, I walk you through the setup for using reflected light as a powerful alternative to direct flash lighting in high magnification macro photography. Then I tell you all about the new and exciting venture that was launched this week - The Cage Project.


The Cage Project is an opportunity for you to share your novel macro cage ideas with the entire world! Seriously! If you have built your own version of the macro lighting cage, I am inviting you to send me a few pictures and notes, showing off your invention and describing your particular modifications. All of this information will be assembled into an online resource for new macro photographers - a place that they can go to see all the cool things you guys have done to improve the macro cage concept.

You can find the details at https://www.allanwallsphotography/the_cage_project

but the short version is this. Send to me:

  • A few nice pics of your cage, with closeups of your modifications and cool inventions

  • The name of your cage (you didn’t name your cage!?!?)

  • A few bullet point notes explaining your cage’s special features

  • Anything else you can think of that will inspire future builders - maybe a couple of your favorite images shot using the cage

I know that there are some mind-blowing versions of the cage out there - MiserMaker - I’m talking to you! Show us what you’ve got.

The flocking material I spoke of is made by Protostar and you can find it by searching eBay for that name. B&H has a very similar product in their telescope department.

I almost forgot! Here is the video…