Macro Lens Adapters - the missing example photographs

What’s up everyone!

I hope you all had a great Christmas, if that’s your thing. If not, I hope you had a fun and relaxing _____________ (fill in the festivities of your choice).

2020 is going to be an awesome year… I can feel it in my bones! But before we get busy with the new decade I want to clean up a mess (well, one of the messes) that I made earlier this winter. In several recent gear-related videos I chose not to include example photographs. I was trying to avoid distractions, but it was a bad decision and I received multiple comments and messages to that effect. I really appreciate the feedback and this video is my response.

In the video I run through through the material we discussed in the earlier tutorials and give plenty of examples with each macro photography lens arrangement. We cover reversed lenses, extension tubes, bellows, and boring old macro lenses - in all sorts of combinations. I hope it is useful to anyone who watched the earlier videos, and even to those who didn’t.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments, or want to send me food.

Here is the video… hope you like it!